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SICAT Function

SICAT Function


Digital and seamless integration of three types of data in SICAT Function makes the complex interrelation visible: data of the CBCT, the Jaw Motion Tracker (SICAT JMT+) and optical surface scan data are combined within SICAT Function. This allows for the first time the fabrication of prosthetic restorations based on patient-individual lower jaw movements.

SICAT Function, SICAT JMT+ and CEREC – an innovative combination that allows for the first time the creation of prosthetic restorations based on patient-individual lower jaw movements. Like in no other software, the practitioner is able to calculate all necessary parameters to program the virtual articulator in the CEREC software.

  • Patient-individual treatment instead of treatment based on average values
  • Restoration design taking into account the actual dynamics of the patient‘s lower jaw
  • Patient-individual functional prosthetics
SKU SF-103 Category


It’s just a few steps to individual functional prosthetics

1. 3D X-ray scan of the patient

Scan with a CBCT system. The patient wears the SICAT Fusion Bite during the scan for the subsequent fusion of CBCT and JMT data.

2. Recording of lower jaw movement data

Lower jaw movement data such as guided opening movement, protrusion, and laterotrusion are recorded with the SICAT JMT+. Facebow and mandibular sensor communicate via ultrasound.

3. Optical surface scan

Capturing of optical surface scan data (SSI, SIXD or STL) of the patient with an intra-oral camera.

4. Integration of jaw movement data in CEREC

Fusion of optical surface scan data and mandible movement data with CBCT data directly within SICAT Function to visualize true patient-specific dynamics.

5. Measurement of parameters for CEREC articulator

Patient-individual measuring of all necessary parameters for the programming of the virtual articulator such as sagittal angle and Bennett angle. Arms and Balkwill angle will be calculated automatically.

6. Creation of restoration design

Determination of all parameters in a spreadsheet, transfer into the CEREC articulator and subsequent creation of the restoration design based on true dynamics of the lower jaw.


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